Who has to make the first step on a dating site?

After you thoughtfully complete your profile on a dating site, it is time for you to browse other users’ accounts and use the search tool. Let’s say, you have already found a couple of members appealing to you, but you are still wondering – should you text this person or not.
Why is this happening?
- Firstly, you believe in stereotypes. If you are a woman, you are probably thinking it isn’t a good idea to text the user of the opposite sex first as he may think you are too ambitious. If you are a man, you may also avoid texting the woman first as you might be afraid she would push you away as usually, those are either losers or maniacs who text first.
- Secondly, you are worried that your expectations will turn out to be higher than the reality. This fear has a clear ground – but it doesn’t mean you should dodge the chance to get the attention of a person you might like. Perhaps, when you see a photo of a lady online, you are already imagining how two of you are hand in hand walking together by the sea, but when you start talking more, you realize it’s not the right person for you.
- Thirdly, you are afraid of failure. What if he/she doesn’t reply? What if he/she tells you they don’t like you or aren’t interested in you? You might have thousands of thoughts like this in your head that will bar you from texting a person first.
What to Do About it And Who Has to Make the First Step?
Online dating sites are places for open-minded people – it isn’t a challenge for conservative pundits to try out dating a person from another continent. In other words, there are no limits on online dating sites, so you shouldn’t limit yourself either.
- If you believe that it’s a man or a woman who is supposed to make the first step and send at least the modest “hi” or a wink, you are profoundly mistaken. None of the genders on an online dating site or mail order bride platforms are obliged to initiate the communication. Leave the stereotypes behind and start acting if you feel it’s your chance. Grab it by the tail!
- If you are afraid the reality won’t be as good as the expectations, then stop expecting anything! Stop hoping that someone will text you, stop waiting for anything from the person with whom you would like to communicate. Just, send him/her a message, and that’s it.
- It’s all the same if you are afraid of being rejected. So what? Maybe the girl/guy you like is also scared of that, and that’s why she/he isn’t texting you.
So as you have understood, the only person who is supposed to make the first step on a dating site is you. Otherwise, why have you registered on a dating site? If you keep waiting for someone offers you to start a chat, you may never find a compatible partner. Start acting right where you are and make the first step once you know it’s the right moment!